Health Education

Health Education Officer View Profile
Dr. Khalid U.K H.O.D
MS. Priyanka Sharma
Health Education about TB & RNTCP is being given to the patients, their relatives, friends and companions. Health Education plays a vital role in treatment of tuberculosis. This department has developed many leaflets & pamphlets to educate patients. These health education materials are regularly distributed to the patients. Short video films and TB, AIDS, No Smoking / Tobacco, Asthma etc. are being screened regularly to create awareness to the patients and their relatives in OPD from 9.00am to 1.00pm during patients waiting period. All doctors communicate through Public Address System (P.A.System) installed in the OPD rooms ( for all doctors ) to call patients. After diagnosis all patients attending in OPD are referred for health education in Room no.107. After imparting health education patients are referred to their nearby DOT Centres for further treatment regularly. Nursing Students from R.A.K. College of Nursing,New Delhi were posted for two weeks in three batches for their group project in National Institute of TB & RD, during their posting students nurses are being trained in (I.E.C) health education activities for group presentation and they perform role play in OPD to create awareness to the patients and the relatives on TB and its sign and symptoms, diagnosis, spreadness and treatment. Our institute is celebrating every year the following important Health Special Days.
World TB Day – 24th March
World Asthma Day – 5th May
World No Tobacco day – 31st May
World AIDS Day – 1st December
On these special days we conduct health education awareness program for TB patients and their companions. We organise drawing competition, dance and song competition for children. We also distribute prizes for winners and children. In our Photo Section, digital photography is being started to facilitate for I.E.C.,Training and other institute activities.

Information, Education & Communication Materials

Symptoms of Tuberculosis
Cough for 3 weeks or more Fever for 3 weeks or more
Spitting Blood in Sputum while Coughing Loss of Appetite
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Three times Sputum-test is essential Sputum examination in Laboratory/td>
Chest X-Ray Tuberculin Test (PPD)
Treatment of Tuberculosis
Take Drugs regularly in full doses Patient Taking T.B. Drugs under the supervision of Health Visitor
Diet for T.B. Patient
General Diet for T.B. Patient General Diet for T.B. Patient
Prevention & Control of Tuberculosis
Giving B.C.G. Vaccination at Birth Cover Face while coughing & sneezing
Burn or Boil the Sputum before disposal Do not use Alcohol, Cigarette and Other Narcotic Drugs