Department of Physiology (PFT Lab)

 Senior Consultant: Dr. Rupak Singla   

Officer Incharge:   Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Specialist:     Dr. Saroj K. Meena

PFT Technicians:  Mr. Satya
Prakash, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Mr. Laxmi Narain

ECG Technicians: Mr. Rajesh
Kumar, Mr. Mahender Singh




The Department of Physiology (PFT Laboratory) is equipped with computerized complete pulmonary functions test machine for spirometry, lung volume and diffusion tests, portable spirometer, respirometer, respiratory pressure meter, nebulizers etc. In order to avoid contamination of spirometry with M. tuberculosis, the department is equipped with a separate spirometer for active tuberculosis patients. The department is also equipped with body plethysmograph to carry out airway resistance and conductance studies. Bronchial provocation tests can also be done in the laboratory.

The department assists surgical unit in preoperative assessment of the patients. The patients from OPD are evaluated for confirmation of diagnosis of respiratory diseases, assessment of severity and response of treatment. Department is actively participating in various research activities, teaching and training of the resident DNB students, senior residents of the Institute and has contributed research papers for publications also. The department faculty is actively participating in various pre-conference PFT workshops at the National Level.


Equipment: The PFT Laboratory is equipped with following equipment: –

  1. Computerized complete pulmonary Function test machine for spirometry, static lung volume and diffusion capacity measurements: Two both are Medisoft Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Body Plethysmography: Medisoft Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT): Medisoft Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
  4. Portable spirometer for sputum positive patients: JK Medical System Pvt. Ltd.
  5. Equipment for measurement of MIP and MEP
  6. ECG machines: Three BPL
  7. Respirometer


Total number of PFT’s done 2022-2023: 6767


Total Number of Body Plethysmography done: 252


Total number of ECG done: 6479