Special Clinics

Allergy Clinic Incharge – Dr. Anil Jain CMO (SAG)

This clinic is for evaluation of patients with Asthma, Rhinitis, Eczema and other diseases allergic in nature. Dr. Anil Jain is the Incharge of Allergy Clinic. Management of allergic disorders, respiratory allergies (Bronchial asthma and Allergic Rhinitis) are primarily dealt in this clinic.   Skin Allergy testing is free of cost. Immunotherapy (Desensitization) is done in selected cases.  Occupation related allergies are also evaluated.  Skin test against aspergillus and other fungal allergies are also done.  Clinic runs on Tuesdays and Fridays between 9:00AM to 1:00 PM.

Lung Cancer Clinic Incharge – Dr. J.K Saini Specialist SAG

Lung Cancer Clinic: Lung cancer clinic is running in the Institute since January 2007. Dr. J K Saini is the in-charge of the clinic. Besides the management of lung cancer patients, junior residents and senior residents are also trained in lung cancer patients’ management.


Tobacco Cessation Clinic Incharge – Dr. J.K Saini Specialist SAG

 Dr. J.K Saini is the Incharge of this Clinic.  This special clinic runs from Monday to Friday.  Patients who are using Tobacco in any form are referred from OPD and given counseling to quit their habit of smoking.   31st May 2014 was observed as World No Tobacco day.

ENT Clinic

Incharge – Dr. Parvesh Yadav

ENT clinic offers and provides treatment to the patients suffering from ear, nose and throat infections and problems. It provides diagnostic, medical and surgical referal facilities. The department runs OPD services with the diagnostic examination units. 

OPD Timings – Every Tuesday from 2 PM and 3 PM 

Pure Tone audiometry test for Hearing assessment & Speech Therapy – Every Monday and Friday from 2 PM and 4 PM