
Physiotherapist :Mr. Prabhu Lal Jat

List of Equipments :

  1. Ultrasound therapy machine
  2. Electric stimulation
  3. TENS (Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation)
  4. Shoulder Wheel
  5. Static Cycle (Exgometer)
  6. Manual Traction Set
  7. Wax bath machine
  8. Traction machine with postural drainage table
  9. Chest vibrator
  10. Peak flow meter
  11. Incentive Inspiratory apparatus (TRIFIO)
  12. Short Wave Diathermy Machine

Activities :

The physiotherapy section provide patient care in :-

  1. Daily O.P.D. for Patients of chest conditions and musculo-skeletal problems.
  2. Respiratory Intensive Care Unit
  3. Thoracic Surgery Pre-operative ward
  4. Thoracic Surgery Post operative ward
  5. Children and general TB wards.
  6. Empyema ward & COPD ward.